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Table of Contents:

1. Introduction

2. What makes a good dropshipping category?

3. Why Shaving & Hair Removal is a great niche for dropshipping

4. Trending Products to Dropship in the Shaving & Hair Removal Niche

5. Winning Products in the Shaving & Hair Removal Niche

6. Conclusion


Dropshipping has become an increasingly popular way for entrepreneurs to start an online business without the need for a large initial investment. By selling products that are not physically held in stock, but rather are shipped directly from the supplier to the customer, dropshippers can save on storage and shipping costs. However, not all products are created equal when it comes to dropshipping. In this blog, we will explore why shaving & hair removal is a great niche for dropshipping, and provide some examples of trending and winning products in this category.

What makes a good dropshipping category?

Before diving into why shaving & hair removal is a great niche for dropshipping, it’s important to first understand what makes a good dropshipping category. Some key factors to consider include:

1. High demand: Products that are in high demand are typically easier to sell and can generate more revenue.

2. Low competition: Choosing a niche with low competition can help you stand out from other sellers and increase your chances of success.

3. High profit margins: Products with high profit margins can help you make more money per sale, even if you sell fewer products overall.

4. Light and small products: Products that are lightweight and small are typically cheaper to ship, which can help you save on shipping costs.

Why Shaving & Hair Removal is a great niche for dropshipping:

Shaving and hair removal is a great niche for dropshipping for several reasons. First, it’s a niche that is in high demand. Both men and women shave regularly, and hair removal is a common practice for many people. This means that there is a large potential customer base for products in this niche.

In addition, there is relatively low competition in the shaving & hair removal niche. While there are certainly other sellers in this category, it’s not as saturated as some other niches, such as electronics or clothing.

Finally, many products in the shaving & hair removal niche have high profit margins. For example, electric razors and hair removal devices can be quite expensive, but they also offer a lot of value to customers. This means that you can make a good profit even if you sell a relatively small number of products.

Trending Products to Dropship in the Shaving & Hair Removal Niche:

Now that we’ve established why the shaving & hair removal niche is a great choice for dropshipping, let’s take a look at some trending products that you might consider selling:

1. Electric razors: Electric razors have been growing in popularity in recent years, as they offer a convenient way to shave without the need for shaving cream or water.

2. Beard oil: As the trend for beards continues to grow, so does the demand for beard oil. Beard oil helps to condition and moisturize the skin and hair, making it a popular choice for men who want to keep their beards looking healthy and well-groomed.

3. Epilators: Epilators are a type of hair removal device that uses tiny tweezers to pull hair out at the root. While they can be painful, they offer longer-lasting results than traditional shaving or waxing.

4. Waxing kits: Waxing kits are a popular choice for at-home hair removal. They come with everything you need to wax various parts of your body, including the wax, applicators, and strips.

Winning Products in the Shaving & Hair Removal Niche:

In addition to trending products, there are also several winning products in the shaving & hair removal niche that have consistently performed well for dropshippers. Here are some examples:

1. Nose hair trimmers: While not the most glamorous of products, nose hair trimmers are a must-have for many people. They offer a safe and effective way to trim nose hairs without the risk of injury.

2. Ingrown hair serums: Ingrown hairs can be a frustrating problem for many people, but ingrown hair serums offer a solution. These serums help to exfoliate the skin and prevent ingrown hairs from forming.

3. Shaving cream: While it may seem like a basic product, shaving cream is a staple for many people who shave regularly. There are many different types of shaving cream available, including foam, gel, and cream.

4. Hair removal cream: Hair removal cream offers a pain-free way to remove hair from various parts of the body. It works by dissolving the hair at the root, making it easy to wipe away.


In conclusion, the shaving & hair removal niche is a great choice for dropshipping. It offers a large potential customer base, relatively low competition, and high profit margins. By selling trending and winning products in this niche, you can build a successful online business without the need for a large initial investment.

If you’re interested in finding more trending products to dropship, check out Ecom Pilot. Our product research tool tracks 1.2 million products to help sellers find products that sell well. Sign up today and start finding winning products for your dropshipping business!

Jakub Lenski

Jakub Lenski is a serial e-commerce entrepreneur and founder of Ecom Pilot, a product discovery and validation platform for online sellers. From doing TEDx talks, to working on startups that aim to help others sell online, Jakub's focus is on sharing his expertise and applying technological advancements to enable more people to create side-incomes online.

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